About Gwen Cupples, MHt. SE
Gwen Cupples is a Master Hypnotherapist, Life Purpose Coach, Intuitive Counselor, acclaimed spiritual teacher, trans-channel intuitive guide, masterful catalyst and energy mover whose special gift is to activate the highest vibration and free the authentic Spirit in everyone she meets. She releases people from the restriction and fear of the ego and guides them through the portals to joy, wholeness, and personal empowerment in every area of their life. She has served as a personal Intuitive adviser to CEO’s, musicians, song writers, spiritual leaders, doctors and shaman.
Gwen has studied several modalities in Canada, Europe and the United States. Her studies include Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, Human Anatomy, Energy Movement, Vibrational Medicine Therapy, Meditation, Reiki Master, EFT Tapping, Spiritual Shamanic, Angel Healing, Access Energetics, ThetaHealing, Trance Psychic Mediumship, Life Purpose Life Coach and Intuitive Coaching. Gwen insists her best education has been her forty-five plus years of working “in the journey of life” consulting directly with people and reading for them one-on-one. Following her heart, her intuition, being lead by the Divine through many experiences… and through it all, learning to trust and listen to the voice Spirit within.
Gwen is passionate, dynamic, powerful, and direct in her ability to instantly liberate people from the limitations and fears and lead them to create a far more effective, successful spirit guided life which she insists is “our natural way.” Working with the Council of Light and using her highly developed, finely tuned intuitive skills she can instantly identify self sabotaging patterns and life obstacles and guide people directly toward success in all their goals. No-nonsense, to-the point, practical, down-to-earth, and often humorous in her delivery, Gwen’s intuitive gifts and engaging Spirit inspire even the most cynical.
Personal Note from Gwen
My work is my calling and my passion it is a form of play that continues to fill my heart with joy. I have been Divinely Guided since birth, as we all have to different degrees. I chose to forget my gifts until events in my life lead me to re-awaken and reconnect with the Divine on my own spiritual journey. My process has been gradual as I have been blessed with myriad of multi-dimensional experiences. Which have lead me on a journey of self discovery, showing me the deeper truths about our physical reality gifting me with a wide vision of humanity's potential while leading me to study in several modalities and topics.
Awakening to my truth began when I was 10 years old. I attended a quaint country Baptist church in Arkansas. One Sunday, as I stood singing at the end of the service I was engulfed by a bright beam of Light. My being was totally mesmerized by an amazing feeling of warmth and love, which I knew in that moment, was the unconditional Love of God. The message I received was, “You are loved beyond comprehension; We are One in the light, Always remember.” Now, being 10 years old; I assumed everyone had this experience when they were saved.
That moment has remained with me through out my life. In times of need I have looked back and found great comfort in that one amazing experience.
As time went on I married raising two children in the Catholic church. Worked in the corporate world for over 25 years, much of that time for one of the states largest insurance companies in sales and marketing. While unknowingly, using my God given gifts, (empathic and intuition) in the daily hustles of my business and personal life.
My spiritual perspective became cloudy. I recognized the value of personal growth and healing, but society’s framework felt limited, too small to hold all that I felt and saw and experienced. Although now I have come to realize that I might have thrown out the baby with the bath water, during that time I just didn’t know what to truly think about religion and society. It was confusing, and much that was taught and done in the name of corporations and religion was simply painful and not a truth to me.
Something did feel right. God is Love. Love is Light. I am one with God. We too are Light. That much, at least, felt right. For the experience in that little country church was a moment I have always held close to my heart.
Many years later, I can say that the understanding that Mother Father God is Love and Light and I am one with the Divine essence of All That Is, is my experience of Spirit and my perspective on spirituality.
It matters not whether you choose to follow in the footsteps of your ancestors in your connection with the Divine, or upon a path that no one has ever walked before – so long as your heart has led you to it. Choose your direction from a place of centered contentment and heartfelt connectedness and you will have chosen a route that will nourish you well along the way.